It is the origin of Thanksgiving that Pilgrims held a celebrate festival in 1621 after their first harvest and they invited Native Americans who taught the Pilgrims how to catch eel or grow corn. They say that the true first Thanksgiving was 1623 and the day was a church observance, rather than a feast day.
But now, in my book, it is a public holiday in the North America when families have a large meal together to celebrate and be thankful for food, health families etc. So many Americans like to spend on Thanksgiving Day with their families and friends, and the religious meaning seems fading.
In FRIENDS, you can see the story of Thanksgiving in episode8 or 9 in almost each seasons.
But now, in my book, it is a public holiday in the North America when families have a large meal together to celebrate and be thankful for food, health families etc. So many Americans like to spend on Thanksgiving Day with their families and friends, and the religious meaning seems fading.
In FRIENDS, you can see the story of Thanksgiving in episode8 or 9 in almost each seasons.
They also think it's important to spend with their family on Thanksgiving Day.Rachel asked her job's boss to let her get her salary in advance so as to go to skiing and spend with her family on Thanksgiving.
Rachel:- Would you mind if I got $100 advance on my salary? It so that I can spend Thanksgiving with my family.
And Joey said to Monica like that
Joey:- Hey Monica, I got a question. I don't see any Tater Tots.
Monica:- That's not a question.
Joey:- But my mom always makes them. It's tradition. A piece of turkey on your fork, a little cranberry sauce and a Tot!! I mean it's bad enough I can't be with my family, because of my disease.
Monica:- All right. Finn. Tonight potatoes will be mashed with lumps.
According to Chandler, his Thanksgiving is really different meaning from the original one.
Chan:- Oh, come on Monica! Reliving pain and getting depressed is what Thanksgivings all about. You know, for me anyway, and, of course, the Indians.
He also said like that
Chan:- I am the king of bad Thanksgivings.
Joey:- I wanna hear it. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without Chandler bumming us out.
Chan:- See? It's a tradition, like the parade.
The traditional story is Chandler's parents' divorce announcement! In season1, Rachel was surprised at Chandler's Thanksgiving food because it was not traditional Thanksgiving food, but snacks!
Rachel:- Wait, wait Chandler. This is your Thanksgiving dinner? What is it with you and this holiday?
Chan:- All right. I'm 9 years old.
Ross:- Oh, I hate this story!
Chan:- We've just finished magnificent Thanksgiving dinner. I have- I remember this part vividly- a mouthful of pumpkin pie. And this is the moment my parents choose to tell me they're getting divorced.
Rach:- Oh, my God!
Chan:- Yes, yes, very difficult to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner once you've seen it in reverse.

The most common and main Thanksgiving dinner is turkey. Because of it, Thanksgiving is sometimes called Turkey Day or poultry day! Joey said to Monica like that
Joey:- You gotta have turkey on Thanksgiving!! I mean Thanksgiving with no turkey is like Fourth of July with no apple pie, or Friday with no two pizzas!!
And there are other traditional Thanksgiving foods like cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, dumplings, corn on the cob or hominy, deviled eggs, green beans or green bean casserole, peas and carrots, carious, wheat flour bread rolls, cornbread, biscuits, rutabagas or turnips, and a Waldorf salad, etc.
Various pies are often served as dessert, like apple pie, mincemeat pie, sweet potato pie, pumpkin pie(Chandler ate when he was 9), chocolate meringue pie and pecan pie, etc.
A almost similar dinner seems to be served on Christmas and New Year's Day.

I wish Japan had Thanksgiving Day so that I could eat turkey and cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes and apple pie with my family or friends. Although we have Christmas, we don't have such gorgeous dinner on Christmas, but a cake.

Thanksgivingが好きだけど、my family is really divided and demanding. Every year I have to drive to like 3 or 4 different houses and I usually eat so much food that I feel sick! :(
私の母のかぞくのほうが父のかぞくより好きなんだ。母のかぞくのほうがやさしいと思う。My father's family is very superficial and very rude. That always bothers me.
I think that Thanksgiving would be more fun with friends!
I would really like to experience Tanabata in Japan, that sounds like a really fun holiday!
Sounds very busy Thanksgiving!!
On Tanabata, we don't eat special food like Thanksgiving, but we wish what we want now, and write it in paper and hang it on bamboo! I wished that I can swim in my childhood, and it came true. This time, I wished to meet someone wonderful person!!!
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