In FRIENDS, season8, Monica suggested they wear costume in the party.
Joey:- I'll come in the party, but I'm not dressing up.
Mon:- You have to.
Joey:- No way. Halloween is so stupid. Dressing up, pretending to be someone you're not.
Chan:- You're an actor.
Mon:- Ross, are you gonna bring Mona?
Ross:- Yeah, yeah I think I will.
Joey:- Hot girl from the wedding? Hey, if she needs any ideas to costume, she could be a bikini model or a slutty nurse, or a sexy cheerleader!
(after a moment)
Rach:- Hi.
Mon:- Wait. You're supposed to wear a costume.
Rach:- I am. I am a woman who spent money on a dress she wants to wear because soon she won't fit into it.
Mon:- Oh, I'm Catwoman, who wants to wear the dress when you're too big for it.
Children from outdoor:- Trick or treat!!
Rach:- Oh, can I give out the candy? I really wanna be with kids right now, you know since I got pregnant, I have the strongest maternal instincts.
Children:- Trick or treat!!
Rach:- Just a minute!!!! Look at you guys! Wow! You are a very scary witch.
A child:- Thank you.
Rach:- And you are a very funny clown.
A child:- Thank you.
(Phoebe came)
Pheo:- Oh, Catwoman. So we meet again.
Mon:- So we do, Supergirl.
Phoe:- It's me. Phoebe.
Chan:- Monica, can I talk to you for a second? Listen, I appreciate you're getting the costume.
Rach:- Oh, you did this to him?
Mon:- What? I thought he'd love it. He love The Velveteen Rabbit.
Chan:- The Velveteen Rabbit was brown and white!
Mon:- Well it was either pink bunny, or no bunny at all!!
Chan:- No bunny at all. Always no bunny at all!
(Joey came)
Joey:- Hey!
Mon:- You didn't dress up either?
Joey:- I did. I'm Chandler. Dude, what happened?
Chan:- How is that me?
Joey:- Okay. I'm Chandler, waaaaaaaaa
Phoe:- Oh, that is so you!
Chan:- When have I ever done that?
Joey:- Whan have I ever done that? Waaaaaaa

Rach:- Oh, Wow, you're the prettiest ballerina I've ever seen.
A child: Thank you.
(Ross came)
Ross:- Hey!
Mon:- What are you supposed to be?
Ross:- Remember the Rosian satellite, Spuntnik? Well, I'm a potato. Or A "spud" and these are my antenna. So spuntnik becomes........?
Everyone:- ..............................

Chan:- Wow! I don't have the worst costume anymore.
Joey:- Hey! All right! Ross came as doodie.
Ross:- No, I'm not doodie.
Mon:- No, space-doodie.
(Mona came)
Mona:- Hi!
Chan:- Oh, hi! Joey's gonna be thrilled. He was hoping you come by as a slutty nurse.
Mona:- Ah, actually, I'm just a nurse.
Chan:- You'd think that would embarrass me, but you see I'm maxed out.
Ross:- Hey you made it!
Mona:- Hi! Wait. You're a potato?
Ross:- Well, I'm a spud...?
Mona:- And the antenna...on my got, you're Spud-nik!
Ross:- Yes!
Chan:- Marry her.